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Omega Rabbit - food for health BenefIT

Dissemination and communication 

The project ambition is to create new kind of feeds for rabbit supplemented with flax derived products and algae, rich in n-3, able to improve the reproductive and productive performance (also in warming challenge conditions), the resistance to the infection (reduction of the use of antibiotics) and the welfare of the animals.

 Moreover, these kinds of feeds, will increase the fixation rate of n-3 in the meat, contributing to create a new functional food (Ωrabbit meat) to favour the consumption of beneficial health products to reduce the n-6/n-3 ratio and to improve the nutritional conditions in specific countries areas.

The creation of a new packaging method (adsorbent pad for the fresh meat) and the canned paté to maintain the quality and to increase the shelf-life of the Ωrabbit meat is another innovative aspect of the project contributing to favour the local and export marketing of the rabbit meat. Furthermore, the creation of the ΩRABBIT Consortium represents an innovative concept and approach.

AreaUsersObjectivesActivities and channels
Applied agronomic researchUniversities and research centres, particularly in the field of veterinary/ agricultural, environmental and food sciences; Veterinarians; Nutritionists; Andrologists Sharing the results of the research activities with at least 400 peer colleagues in the countries involved and beyond;
Supporting the development and launch of the ΩRABBIT Consortium, by reaching out to at least 50 interested parties not involved in the project activities (companies, research centres, linseed and rabbit value-chains actors).
Mapping of target groups and key project stakeholders;
Participation to conferences, publication of informative articles;
News and posts in the partner organizations’ usual channels; online and in-person meetings;
Open access to project results according to the DMP;
Follow-up of the ΩRABBIT consortium.


Tabella 1
Expected impactsIndicators – at the end of the project
New business models for access to market of the main actors involved in the production and supply chain of rabbit meat, suited to local clusters and SMEs, in IT, FR, TN, EG4 new business models developed at local level in IT, FR, TN, EG, based on the innovative product Ωrabbit meat, suited especially to SMEs, mainly through:
i) The integration of at least 15 actors per country along the production chain – the flax derived products and algae producers, the feed producers, the rabbit farmers, SMEs that use the packaging elaborated thanks to the project.
ii) the integration of at least 10 small producers per country into the formal supply channel, even considering that Ωrabbit meat could be an interesting opportunity for rabbit breeders for export (+20% export turnover).
Enabling innovation not only in meat sector, but also in flax cultivation.
The products and organizational innovation can be replicated for other similar consortia and supply chains.
New insights in the competitiveness of local clusters of farmers, breeders and distributors, with integrated innovative planning solutions for sustainability and profitabilityImprovement of shared knowledge and competences about flaxseed incorporation techniques into animal feed and could setting up an industrial production of flax derived products and algae for animals and human diet, also creating new jobs in the agricultural sector.
Improved rabbits’ reproductive functions (+20% per year in the farms which participated in the trial) and strengthen the human health (improved health indicators for people participated in the trials).
Development of a new functional food given that has high concentration of n-3 and then could contribute to reduce the n-6/n-3 ratio in the consumer with consequent beneficial effects in the health status (ref. results of foreseen clinical trial).
Higher resistance to infectious diseases reducing the use of antibiotics and improving animal welfare (-20% infectious diseases per year in the farms which participated in the trial).
Putting into use, in at least 10 SMEs involved in the project activities, an innovative packaging method that can maintain the new functional food and extend its shelf-life allowing a better distribution of the product in the local and national markets, as well as allowing the exportations (+20% export turnover), reducing food waste and the pathologies linked to the consumption of deteriorated foods in the long-term. The packaging that will be developed can also be exploited for other food products.
Improved socio-economic conditions in local communities where the project will take place (+10% of monthly salary in SMEs involved in the production chain of the ΩRABBIT)
Increase of the added value of products from local clustersInvolvement of at least 50 key actors per country (including SMEs, academia, NGOs, distributors and local research centres) to pooling the knowledge and develop an innovative market.
Setting up the ΩRABBIT Consortium that includes at least 10 farmers, breeders and research centres per country, so as to guarantee the whole production and distribution processes – “from the farm to the fork”.
Improved socio-economic conditions in local communities where the project will take place (+10% of monthly salary in SMEs involved in the production chain of the ΩRABBIT).


Coherently with the Dissemination and exploitation Plan above outlined, the communication strategy of the ΩRABBIT project has been preliminarily discussed within the partnership and will be implemented based on the Communication Plan (see WP5), targeting the general public and addressing the whole society in the project countries.

The efficacy of the strategy – primarily in reaching the different target groups – is guaranteed by the presence of the different stakeholders within the partnership and by the complementarity of the actors involved in the project activities (packaging company, linseed producers, etc.).

Given the overall structure of the project and the main target groups already defined, the general objectives of the communication strategy are to:

  • Consumers and local communities – raise awareness of actual and potential consumers of rabbit meat about its characteristics as functional food, and about the existence and advantages of the ΩRABBIT Consortium;
  • EU institutions and policy makers – transfer the model proposed by the project – research and set up of the ΩRABBIT Consortium – to other agro-food value chains in the Mediterranean area.

AreaUsersObjectives Activities and channels
Society (socio-economic level)Consumers and local communitiesIncrease the demand of Ωrabbit meat in the involved countries (+10%), thus contributing to maintain rural communities, support the local economy and provide jobs outside urban areas (DG Health and Consumers, Commercial Rabbit Farming in the European Union, 2017);
Promoting the link between agricultural producers to urban markets contributing to strengthen the local economy and the meat consumption (Ωrabbit meat distributed in all project countries through the Consortium);
Supporting the creation of a new market for a functional food which contribute to human health (Ωrabbit meat distributed in all project countries through the Consortium).
Mapping of target groups and key project stakeholders in each project Country;
Design and implementation of an online campaign;
Setting up of consumers’ panels;
News and posts in the partner organizations’ usual channels;
Participation at agricultural fairs/events and in thematic conferences;
Dissemination of informative materials (mainly infographics);
open access to project results according to the DMP;
Follow-up of the ΩRABBIT Consortium.
Society (socio-economic level)EU institutions and policy makersSupport the competitiveness with external producers (mainly Chinese), jobs creation and local development in European rural areas;
Supporting the development of EU policies and strategies.
Participation in European – wide initiatives for favouring replication and exchange of results and know-how with similar projects;
Establishing direct contact with responsible policy officers within the EU commission from DG Health and consumers and DG Employment during the first year of project implementation so to then regularly update them on the results.

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