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Omega Rabbit - food for health BenefIT

Project Ambition

Tabella 1
ParticipantPI nameOrganisationCountry
CoordinatorGabriele BrecchiaUniversity of Milano (UNIMI)Italy
Partner 1Alessandro Dal BoscoUniversity of Perugia (UNIPG)Italy
Partner 2Sebastiana FaillaCouncil for Agricultural Research and Agricultural Economy Analysis (CREA)Italy
Partner 3EL-Sayed Mahfouz Abdel-KafyAnimal Production Research (APRI)Egypt
Partner 4Davi SaviettoINRAE Occitanie ToulouseFrance
Partner 5Mathieu GuillervicVALOREXFrance
Partner 6Michel ColinCOPRIFrance
Partner 7Bayrem JemmaliHigher school of agriculture of Mateur-Chartage University (ESA-Mateur)Tunisia
Partner 8Imen Ben SalemNational school of Veterinary Medicine -Sidi Thabet (ENMV)Tunisia

The Italian participating: UNIMI, UNIPG and CREA-ZA.

  • UNIMI is one of the most important University in Italy and its direct involvement in the project guarantees the management and the experimental trials on the rabbit does using the animal facilities and the farm available at the Department of Veterinary Medicine, the in vitro experimental trials on the semen performed in the different laboratory of the same Department, the packaging of the Ωrabbit meat with the adsorbent pad and the assessment of the Ωrabbit meat shelf-life evaluating the oxidative deterioration and the sanitary and hygienic profile through microbiological analyses.
  • UNIPG will participate in the project with the staff and the facilities of 2 Departments:  Department of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences and the Department of Veterinary Medicine.
  • CREA-ZA is the most important Italian agri-food research body, it copes with large research projects and it’s capable of radically innovating the way of farming in difficult contexts and of producing scientific knowledge, which allows to increase the competitiveness, production efficiency and sustainability of the agricultural system, favouring adaptation to climate change and increasing the quality of production.

The French partnership: INRAE, VALOREX and COPRI.

  • INRAE, the French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment
  • VALOREX, the main national producer of flaxseed’s feedstuffs
  • COPRI, an independent rabbit and animal feed producer that is developing the use of algae in animal feeds as well as produces meat and eggs with higher contents of n-3.

Together, they will contribute to describe the benefits and possible constraints of the use of flax derived products and algae extracts as a feed source for rabbits. VALOREX and COPRI will provide the products, and INRAE will provide the scientific knowledge and expertise. Together they will be implicated in trials in experimental unit or at the farm scale. If promising, the results will directly contribute to the promotion and use of flax and/or algae in the rabbit feed production by these companies with potential extension and use by other enterprises.

The Tunisian partnership: ESA-Mateur and ENMV

  • ESA-Mateur, Higher school of agriculture of Mateur-Chartage University put at disposal a research Laboratory (ADIPARA-Lab) and 
  • ENMV National school of Veterinary Medicine -Sidi Thabet (ENMV) a research unit hosting a rabbit experiment station, as well as an experimental station for flax production (linseed) in the ESA-Mateur. The animals to be tested belong to local rabbit population. The research activity will be performed in the experimental rabbitry of the School of Higher Education in Agriculture with the collaboration of other stakeholders. The results will be disseminated directly for breeders and producers of rabbit industry.

The Egyptian partnership: APRI

  • APRI will contribute to enhance the rabbit breeding and increase rabbit reproductive performance, so as the context within working for boosting the cooperation with smallholders will be more favourable, even thanks to the low price of the flax by-products which will encourage them to use the derived feeds

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