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Work Packages

Omega Rabbit - food for health BenefIT

Project Ambition

To accomplish all these objectives, the Consortium has developed the management structure presented in the figure below

WP0 – Project management and quality assuranceGabriele
WP2 – Scientific research on omega rabbit reproductive and productive performanceAlessandro Dal
Bayrem Jemmali
WP3 – Scientific research on omega rabbit meat quality and packagingSebastiana
Michel Colin
WP4 – Nutritive value of flax derided products, impact on digestive physiology (microbiota) and immune status of rabbitDavi Savietto
EL-Sayed Mahfouz Abdel-Kafy
WP5 – The ΩRABBIT consortiumGabriele
Bayrem Jemmali
WP6 – Dissemination & exploitation of resultsImène Ben Salem
WP7 – Impact assessmentMathieu

The project is structured in 6 different work packages, each led by one or two of the partners and providing the contribution of the other ones.

WP0 includes all the management and coordination activities of the project, under the responsibility of UNIMI.

WP1, WP2 and WP3 concern the research activities with in vivo and in vitro experimental trials on the rabbit and semen, respectively, on the quality of meat and packaging method and, finally, on microbiota and immune system. In particular, the research activity held in WP1, coordinated by UNIPG and ESA-Mateur, will cover the production and the evaluation of the quality of the flax derived products and algae. Moreover, it will allow the formulation of the diets supplemented with the different linseed derived products and algae to be submitted to the male, female and fattening rabbits to evaluate the effects on their reproductive and productive performance. The WP2, coordinated by CREA and COPRI, foresees the evaluation of the carcass quality and of the rabbit meat, including the consumer test to assess the acceptability and perform a sensory analysis of the rabbit meat; the evaluation of the effect of rabbit meat through a clinical trial on volunteers; the evaluation of the effects of the packaging on the shelf-life of the rabbit meat, using a new and innovative adsorbent pad and the canning of minced rabbit meat. In WP3, led by INRAE and APRI, will carry out experimental trials to evaluate the nutritional value of the derived flax product and algae and the influence of this supplements on the biodiversity and pattern of the intestinal microbiota and the immune status of the animals.

WP4 will be coordinated by GIPAC and UNIMI and it will deal with the creation of the ΩRABBIT Consortium. The establishment of the Consortium is very important in the development of the new food supply chain “from the field to the fork” that will produce and market a new product, based on an innovative functional food, under the logo Ωrabbit meat.

WP6 coordinated by UNIMI and VALOREX – concerns the impact assessment of the project, and will be aimed at determine the short-term effects of project implementation on the reference communities and collect information to ensure the sustainability of the results in the period following the end of the project activities.

WP5 will concern the communication and dissemination activities needed to maximise project impacts and will be coordinated by ENMV and UNIMI.

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